Enter your e-mail address to set up your custom portfolios. Once set up, you can create portfolios and open them again later.
Before you can create a portfolio, you need to log in. Enter your email address; that's your login. Click the "New" button, and name your portfolio.
Now you can add locations by clicking the "+" at the bottom right of a thumbnail. If you have opened a specific location, click the "Add to Portfolio" button at the bottom of the page.
OTM saves your portfolios; you can revisit them by selecting them from the drop-down list.
To send a portfolio, click "Send This Portfolio" and fill in the email address of the recipient. To rename the portfolio, click "Name". To delete a portfolio, click "Delete".
For more detailed instructions, click "custom portfolios" at the top of the page.
Elapsed | Previous | % | Group | Location | Type | Message | ||
1 | [0] | 0.000023 | 0.000000 | 0.00% | ||||
2 | [2] | 0.000756 | 0.000733 | 0.27% | Start | security:84 | (Major) | Security Online |
3 | [4] | 0.007835 | 0.007079 | 2.65% | Start | application:465 | (Normal) | No login attempt |
4 | [6] | 0.012616 | 0.004781 | 1.79% | Start | application:3279 | (Normal) | User Changed |
5 | [8] | 0.015184 | 0.002568 | 0.96% | Init_Start | index:38 | (Major) | End of initialization |
6 | [9] | 0.015350 | 0.000166 | 0.06% | Tracking | tracking:70 | (Normal) | Starting to add Tracking Data |
7 | [11] | 0.038527 | 0.023177 | 8.68% | Tracking | tracking:214 | (Normal) | Finished adding Tracking Data |
8 | [12] | 0.038740 | 0.000213 | 0.08% | Modes | genome:170 | (Major) | Executing Mode: display |
9 | [13] | 0.040360 | 0.001620 | 0.61% | Modes | mode_base:193 | (Major) | Premode Tasks - Start |
10 | [14] | 0.040471 | 0.000111 | 0.04% | Modes | mode_itembase:130 | (Major) | Start Premode Tasks display |
11 | [16] | 0.045240 | 0.004769 | 1.79% | Search | search:902 | (Normal) | Search: 1 Starting Search |
12 | [17] | 0.061863 | 0.016623 | 6.23% | Item | item_object:295 | (Major) | Item Object Spawning: 1 (Total Items: 1) |
13 | [19] | 0.094496 | 0.032633 | 12.23% | Item | item_object:314 | (Major) | Item Object Spawned: 1 Type:home_object |
14 | [20] | 0.095966 | 0.001470 | 0.55% | Search | search:1086 | (Normal) | Search: 1 Finished Search Query Time: 0000.0012519 |
15 | [22] | 0.108368 | 0.012402 | 4.65% | Modes | mode_itembase:228 | (Major) | End Premode Tasks display |
16 | [23] | 0.108436 | 0.000068 | 0.03% | Modes | mode_base:198 | (Major) | Mode Tasks - Start |
17 | [24] | 0.108495 | 0.000059 | 0.02% | Modes | mode_base:202 | (Major) | Smarty Init - Start |
18 | [25] | 0.108552 | 0.000057 | 0.02% | Start | Smarty3InitializationTrait:54 | (Major) | Initializing Smarty |
19 | [27] | 0.109175 | 0.000623 | 0.23% | Start | Smarty3InitializationTrait:97 | (Major) | Initialized Smarty Object From mode_base |
20 | [29] | 0.111348 | 0.002173 | 0.81% | Search | search:902 | (Normal) | Search: 2 Starting Search |
21 | [30] | 0.113106 | 0.001758 | 0.66% | Item | item_object:295 | (Major) | Item Object Spawning: 2 (Total Items: 2) |
22 | [32] | 0.133664 | 0.020558 | 7.70% | Item | item_object:314 | (Major) | Item Object Spawned: 2 Type:profile_object |
23 | [33] | 0.134112 | 0.000448 | 0.17% | Search | search:1086 | (Normal) | Search: 2 Finished Search Query Time: 0000.0004840 |
24 | [35] | 0.136801 | 0.002689 | 1.01% | Search | search:902 | (Normal) | Search: 3 Starting Search |
25 | [36] | 0.142564 | 0.005763 | 2.16% | Search | search:1086 | (Normal) | Search: 3 Finished Search Query Time: 0000.0006330 |
26 | [37] | 0.143979 | 0.001415 | 0.53% | Modes | mode_base:204 | (Major) | Smarty Init - End |
27 | [38] | 0.144033 | 0.000054 | 0.02% | Modes | genome:202 | (Major) | Finished Executing Mode: display |
28 | [39] | 0.144101 | 0.000068 | 0.03% | Start | mode_base:450 | (Major) | Prepare starting in render |
29 | [40] | 0.144190 | 0.000089 | 0.03% | Start | mode_itembase:246 | (Normal) | Start mode_prepare |
30 | [43] | 0.149751 | 0.005561 | 2.08% | Start | mode_itembase:248 | (Normal) | End mode_prepare |
31 | [44] | 0.149985 | 0.000234 | 0.09% | Start | mode_base:455 | (Major) | Prepare complete in render |
32 | [45] | 0.150068 | 0.000083 | 0.03% | Start | mode_base:525 | (Major) | Begin Render |
33 | [46] | 0.150170 | 0.000102 | 0.04% | Modes | mode_base:533 | (Major) | Render Starting |
34 | [47] | 0.150223 | 0.000053 | 0.02% | Modes | mode_base:536 | (Major) | Rendering Content - Start |
35 | [48] | 0.150365 | 0.000142 | 0.05% | Start | mode_base:1045 | (Major) | Rendering template site/custom/templates/web/modules/home/locationsearch_display.tpl |
36 | [49] | 0.153495 | 0.003130 | 1.17% | Item | item_object:295 | (Major) | Item Object Spawning: 11 (Total Items: 3) |
37 | [51] | 0.168370 | 0.014875 | 5.57% | Item | item_object:314 | (Major) | Item Object Spawned: 11 Type:location_category_object |
38 | [52] | 0.193379 | 0.025009 | 9.37% | Start | mode_base:1047 | (Major) | Finished rendering template site/custom/templates/web/modules/home/locationsearch_display.tpl |
39 | [53] | 0.193447 | 0.000068 | 0.03% | Modes | mode_base:538 | (Major) | Rendering Content - End |
40 | [54] | 0.193503 | 0.000056 | 0.02% | Modes | mode_base:546 | (Major) | Rendering section head - Start |
41 | [55] | 0.194141 | 0.000638 | 0.24% | Start | mode_base:1045 | (Major) | Rendering template site/custom/templates/web/site/head.tpl |
42 | [60] | 0.205783 | 0.011642 | 4.36% | Start | mode_base:1047 | (Major) | Finished rendering template site/custom/templates/web/site/head.tpl |
43 | [61] | 0.205845 | 0.000062 | 0.02% | Modes | mode_base:548 | (Major) | Rendering section head - End |
44 | [62] | 0.205896 | 0.000051 | 0.02% | Modes | mode_base:546 | (Major) | Rendering section foot - Start |
45 | [63] | 0.206067 | 0.000171 | 0.06% | Start | mode_base:1045 | (Major) | Rendering template site/custom/templates/web/site/foot.tpl |
46 | [65] | 0.208638 | 0.002571 | 0.96% | Item | item_object:295 | (Major) | Item Object Spawning: 25795 (Total Items: 4) |
47 | [67] | 0.226130 | 0.017492 | 6.55% | Item | item_object:314 | (Major) | Item Object Spawned: 25795 Type:pocket_object |
48 | [68] | 0.229455 | 0.003325 | 1.25% | Start | mode_base:1047 | (Major) | Finished rendering template site/custom/templates/web/site/foot.tpl |
49 | [69] | 0.229516 | 0.000061 | 0.02% | Modes | mode_base:548 | (Major) | Rendering section foot - End |
50 | [70] | 0.229566 | 0.000050 | 0.02% | Modes | mode_base:546 | (Major) | Rendering section post - Start |
51 | [71] | 0.229860 | 0.000294 | 0.11% | Start | mode_base:1045 | (Major) | Rendering template site/core/templates/web/site/post.tpl |
52 | [72] | 0.230350 | 0.000490 | 0.18% | Start | mode_base:1047 | (Major) | Finished rendering template site/core/templates/web/site/post.tpl |
53 | [73] | 0.230405 | 0.000055 | 0.02% | Modes | mode_base:548 | (Major) | Rendering section post - End |
54 | [74] | 0.230680 | 0.000275 | 0.10% | Start | mode_base:1045 | (Major) | Rendering template site/custom/templates/web/site/pre.tpl |
55 | [75] | 0.231352 | 0.000672 | 0.25% | Package | PackageManager:699 | (Major) | Start rendering css asset block. |
56 | [76] | 0.240051 | 0.008699 | 3.26% | Package | PackageManager:986 | (Major) | Start rendering js asset block. |
57 | [79] | 0.263479 | 0.023428 | 8.78% | Start | mode_base:1047 | (Major) | Finished rendering template site/custom/templates/web/site/pre.tpl |
58 | [80] | 0.263839 | 0.000360 | 0.13% | Start | mode_base:1045 | (Major) | Rendering template site/core/templates/web/helpers/debugger_popup.tpl |
59 | [0] | 0.266940 | 0.003101 | 1.16% | ||||
59 | - | 0.266917 | 100.00% | total |